
With expected passage in the next few weeks of the Biden Administration’s first COVID-19 relief bill, the focus in Washington, D.C., will shift to a second budget reconciliation bill – Biden Administration tax changes.

Although it might not be obvious, tax law permeates most HR responsibilities – from paying an employee, to arranging for benefit coverages, to settling employment lawsuits, and paying pensions.  Knowing a few key tax principles may help employers understand why things are done in a certain way, w

As of the end of week six, the legislature had passed more than 1,500 bills out of committee. Week seven saw even more committee action, and legislators continue to advance bills in an effort to meet the upcoming funnel deadline, Friday, March 5....

The CalSavers Retirement Savings Program (CalSavers) was established to assist the estimated 7.5 million California employees without employer retirement savings plans. Mandatory compliance is phased-in over time and depends on the size of the employer....

On February 26, 2021, a subcommittee of the Georgia Ways & Means Committee quickly approved HB 428, which proposes to eliminate the current Georgia sales tax exemption for high-technology companies and facilities that invest at least $15 million in eligible computer equipment in Georgia durin

On February 3, 2021, the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) updated its frequently asked questions (FAQs) to make clear that employers can seek an extension for reporting year 2020 - known as a request for an “enforcement deferral period” - as to its newly enacted pay dat

Outlook for This Week in the Nation’s Capital - Congress. The House and Senate are both in session this week. The House plans to take up the For the People Act (H.R. 1) this week, which the House passed in 2019 as well.

For as long as the threat of infection from COVID-19 remains, businesses will have to maintain a safe and healthy workplace to an increased degree.

On September 17, 2020, Governor Newsom approved Assembly Bill 685, which imposes enhanced notice and recordkeeping obligations on employers and expands Cal/OSHA’s enforcement powers. These provisions are set to expire January 1, 2023....

SEPA direct debit schemes: EPC guidelines for appearance of mandates - The European Payments Council (EPC) has published revised guidelines on the appearance of mandates for the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) Direct Debit (SDD) Core Scheme and the SDD Business-to-Business (B2B) Scheme....
