
The United Kingdom’s Information Commissioner’s Office published its action plan for 2021. Areas of focus include: •the Age Appropriate Design Code •data sharing. •data broking,......
By: Fox Rothschild LLP

SBA’S 8(A) BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM- WHAT IS THE 8(A) PROGRAM AND WHAT IS IT INTENDED TO DO? The 8(a) program, officially designated the 8(a) Business Development program, is designed to assist small minority-owned businesses compete in the wider American economy. See 13 C.F.R.

As corporate policyholders prepare for another round of directors’ and officers’ (D&O) insurance renewals in a COVID-19 environment, a hardened D&O market, and a difficult economic climate, here are five tips to consider:.....

A Maryland federal district court’s decision underscores the need to preserve evidence once notified of a potential lawsuit and the significant consequences for not doing so. In Eller v. Prince George’s Cty. Pub. Sch., 2020 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 234367 (D. Md. Dec.

Workload is up for 76.7 percent of corporate legal departments, according to Altman Weil’s 2020 Chief Legal Officer Survey. But that won’t necessarily correspond with additional work for law firms....

The Supreme Court has lowered (but not eliminated) the risk that a creditor violates the automatic stay by retaining a debtor’s property post-petition.

In this webinar the presenters will discuss tax-savings tools that can be used between now and March 6 when preparing 2020 returns.

In any investigation, accessing the facts quickly is critical to effective and timely resolution. All too often, however, the facts are not well developed or are unknown.
