COVID-19 Rates and Hospitalizations Continue to Fall - COVID-19 infection rates, hospitalizations and fatalities continue to fall in L.A. County. New infections are down 77% since the beginning of the year, hospitalizations are down 42% and fatalities are down 45%.
On January 13, 2021, the FTC announced that fertility app developer Flo Health, Inc. (“Flo”) agreed to a settlement over allegations that the company shared app users’ health information with third-party data analytics providers, including Facebook and Google.
While tribunals in Singapore enjoy wide discretion in managing procedural and evidentiary matters in arbitrations, that discretion is not unfettered and does not necessarily allow a tribunal to deny parties the right to present witness evidence at a hearing.
The Supreme Court of the State of New York Appellate Division (Second Judicial Department) (“Court”) addressed in a January 20th Order a zoning issue associated with the storage of vehicles with mounted hydrovac equipment. See In the Matter of WCC Tank Technology, Inc., et al., v.
People don’t like to be accountable for the most part. It’s just human nature to blame someone else. Heck, I used to do it at work and I still do it at home.... By: Ary Rosenbaum
Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) has issued a report analyzing the effects of renewable energy growth in the MISO region and concluding that the system can reliably accommodate a significant percentage of variable renewable resources....
Effective January 1, 2022, the “No Surprises Act” signed into U.S. law as part of H.R. 133, “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021,” implicates (1) emergency services provided by non-participating providers at participating facilities ......
With effect from December 1, 2020, Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs ("HMRC") ranks ahead of floating charge holders and unsecured creditors with respect to recovering certain pre-insolvency taxes from an insolvent business ("Crown preference").