
Under the Biden administration, two significant and expected changes to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) would give the agency a greater role in reducing the spread of COVID-19 at the workplace, both of which would affect manufacturers throughout the United States....

The Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan (“CPP”) — an unprecedented use of the Clean Air Act to regulate greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions from power plants — is only “mostly dead” and could soon spring back to life. Yes, the Supreme Court stayed the CPP in 2016.

As expected, President Biden’s first days in office were marked by a number of executive orders and other actions aimed at unwinding Trump-era environmental policies.

As most followers of Russian news know by now, opposition leader and activist Alexei Navalny was detained immediately upon his recent return to Russia, after a 5-month absence due to his recovery in Germany from nerve agent poisoning.

In November 2020, the Supreme Court of Canada released its decision in 1688782 Ontario Inc. v Maple Leaf Foods Inc.

Canada - Travel Restrictions and Entry Requirements All air passengers (five years of age or older) have been required to test negative for COVID-19 before travelling from another country to Canada.
