
It can be difficult to advance prosecution of a U.S. patent application efficiently and effectively after prosecution has been closed and an Advisory Action has been mailed. Various U.S.

On December 21, 2020, the Department of Defense (“DoD”) published a final rule in the Federal Register that codifies the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (“NISPOM”) in the Code of Federal Regulations (“CFR”) at 32 CFR part 117.

This Jones Day Global Merger Control Update highlights significant changes in merger control regimes in 2020.

Plan sponsors should review their plan documents to determine whether the Act’s relief can be applied to their retirement plans. For many companies, 2020 was a difficult financial year. As a result, many companies had no choice but to implement reductions in force.

Chief Administrative Judge Lawrence K. Mark’s December 29, 2020 Administrative Order includes several new rules that will be extended from the Commercial Division to other civil courts, including Supreme Court, the jurisdiction of most medical malpractice cases in New York State.

The United States Surface Transportation Board (“STB”) issued a Decision on December 29th addressing a preemption issue related to the Clean Water Act. See Association of American Railroads – Petition for Declaratory Order, Docket No. FD 36369.

The new administration has launched an avalanche of Executive Orders and memoranda aimed at tackling the climate crisis in its first week—Pillsbury reviews its impact.

The False Claims Act (FCA) continues to be a primary tool for both the Justice Department and whistleblowers’ counsel to bring suits against companies in the financial services sector, and the nationwide pandemic did not halt the investigation and litigation of these cases.
