La Superintendencia de Sociedades de Colombia estableció la posibilidad de realizar aportes en especie de criptoactivos al capital de sociedades y se pronunció sobre la posibilidad de que una sociedad realice operaciones con criptoactivos (Oficio No.
The covid-19 pandemic has dramatically altered all aspects of life. The acquisition and leverage finance industry has been no exception. M&A activity has slowed down, and hence the leverage financing activity as well.
Legal project management (LPM) can enhance client relationships, increase law firm profitability, provide transparency into law department budgeting, and boost matter team morale. But that’s not all.
Uncle Pennybags plans to build a hotel on Marvin Gardens but, to do so, he needs to acquire adjacent properties on Atlantic Avenue, owned by Charles Darrow, and Ventnor Avenue, owned by George Parker.
In December 2020, the Virginia State Corporation Commission (the “Commission”) issued an order (the “Order”) adopting Regulations Governing the Deployment of Energy Storage, 20 VAC 5-335-10 et seq.
In light of the looming 10 March 2021 deadlines for both the SFDR (the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (EU) 2019/2088) and the AMF Position/Recommendation DOC-2020-03 (the “AMF Doctrine”),1 the AMF published a press release on 20 January to clarify how, in its view, the two sets of requ
AB 685: Labor Code §§ 6325, 6432 (amended, repealed, and added); id. § 6409.6 (added and repealed) As of January 1, 2021, employers must comply with certain notification and reporting requirements relating to potential COVID-19 exposure....