
World Law Group member firms recently collaborated on a Global Cannabis Guide that provides a brief overview of laws and policies regarding the use of cannabis in various jurisdictions.

The Situation: The Office of Inspector General ("OIG") recently modified the personal services and management contracts safe harbor of the federal Anti-Kickback Statute ("AKS"). These modifications expand protections to payment structures that incorporate value-based care models.

M & K HOLDINGS, INC. v. SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Before Moore, Bryson, and Chen. Appeal from the Patent Trial and Appeal Board. Summary: Title-searchable publications shared on a prominent standards-setting organization’s website are printed publications.

Stablecoins offer many advantages to traditional fiat currency and our contemporary cross border payment process; however, they are disadvantaged in one crucial respect – they fail to establish a sufficient degree of trust.

On September 8, 2020, the new Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition (the “Agency”) was created, directly accountable to the president....
By: Dentons

The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) published a paper on 19 January on the impact of algorithms on competition in digital markets and consumer welfare.

CASES OF NOTE THE SECRET'S OUT Victoria’s Secret Stores, LLC v. Herald Store Owner LLC, 70 Misc. 3d 1206(A) (N.Y. Sup. Ct. Jan.

A quick timeout this week from some of our more substantive content here at NY ComDiv Practice to report on some upcoming events and happenings in and around the Commercial Division, particularly in Westchester County......

At ACOEL’s 2019 annual meeting in Williamsburg I chaired a panel on the ongoing restoration of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, which I described as the biggest, and arguably the best, example of cooperative federalism in the country. The Chesapeake Bay is the biggest estuary in North America.
