
Seyfarth Synopsis: The National Retail Federation (NRF) and others brought an action against the California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR), Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA), and the Occupational Safety & Health Standards Board (Board) claiming that the Agency di

 The CARES Act created the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”), which amended the Small Business Act (“SBA”) to provided short term loans to companies with fewer than 500 employees and other companies (such as those in the Accommodation and Food Services Industry)....

Synopsis: Now that we have two approved vaccines (and several more on the horizon) employers are starting to explore whether they should require their employees to get vaccinated in order to report to work....

December 2020 Arbitration is prevalent as a means of resolving disputes in the mining and commodities sectors, and contracts often provide for arbitration to be conducted under the rules of leading arbitral institutions such as the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)....

As the U.S. regulatory agencies responsible for oversight of agricultural biotechnology strive to evolve the regulatory framework applicable to such products, the U.S.

We reported in April that condominium and cooperative boards would likely be ineligible for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans based upon an interim ruling from the Small Business Administration....
By: Cozen O'Connor

H.R. 133 was recently passed by Congress. Under the CARES Act, many businesses were able to receive Paycheck Protection Program loans. If the proceeds were used to pay employee compensation and otherwise meet requirements, the debt is forgiven and need not be repaid....
