
In today’s edition of Sunday Book Review: • The Spy Who Came in from the Cold • Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy • The Little Drummer Girl • A Prefect Spy...
By: Thomas Fox

In today’s edition of Daily Compliance News: 1. The Trojan Horse attacks start against the AML whistleblower law. (WSJ) 2. GOP tries to rein in Fed before Biden becomes President. (NYT) 3. Oil companies and (even worse) reputational damage.

Over the past decade, the Australian patent law and practice in relation to the patent-eligibility of software, covered business methods and gaming related inventions has been in a state of flux.

In recent months, competition authorities and regulatory bodies in the UK and across the world have been launching studies, investigations and consultations concerning the critically important issue of sustainability.

The Chancellor has extended the furlough scheme to 30 April 2021. The government will continue to contribute 80% of furloughed employees' salaries for the hours not worked (up to the cap of £2,500 per month).

Q: At the time you signed the contract, did you believe that all of your business partners had the capacity to comply with its terms? A: Well, here is what was going on when I signed the contract: The business was growing massively, and our capacity was increasing by the day.

In terms of the 401(k) plan business, I think the hype over pooled employer plans (PEP) will be the most over hype since the release of Crystal Pepsi....
By: Ary Rosenbaum

Reports of restaurants adding a “COVID surcharge” have become widespread during the pandemic. In recent months, cities and states across the nation have implemented a number of measures designed to help struggling restaurants adapt to the new normal.

For months, global patent practitioners have been expecting China to announce sweeping, significant changes to the nation’s system of intellectual property laws—and they were not disappointed. On Oct.

Last week, the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) issued a pair of Guidance for Industry documents outlining best practices for developing proprietary names (i.e. brand names) for prescription and nonprescription human drug products.
