
As we near Election Day, employers are again faced with the thorny challenges posed by political expression at work. When adopting policies to address political speech in the workplace, employers must be mindful of a veritable minefield of legal issues....

Governors and public health officials across the country have implemented stringent measures to help contain the spread of COVID-19, such as safer at home and face covering mandates. Some jurisdictions also require employers to screen the health of employees, often as they begin a shift....

On Friday, October 16, 2020, the Appeals Court released two unpublished decisions further defining and clarifying the durational limits of alimony in Massachusetts under the 2012 Alimony Reform Act: Clement v. Owens-Clement and Clemence v.

The European Commission has published a proposal for a new EU Regulation on a pilot regime for distributed ledger technology.

For the first time in a decades-long dispute over the future of the lower Snake River dams (LSRD), federal agencies have analyzed the potential effects of breaching and removing the dams to support recovery of threatened and endangered salmon species.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has expanded its definition of “close contact” to include individuals who spend 15 cumulative minutes within six feet of an individual infected with coronavirus (COVID-19) over a 24-hour period....

It has been widely reported that hackers are taking advantage of the pandemic to perpetrate scams and frauds.

Government officials across the country are easing up on the stringent business closures and stay at home orders that helped the nation slow the spread of COVID-19 earlier in the year.

On October 15, 2020, President Jair Bolsonaro appointed the five members for the new Brazilian Data Protection Authority (ANPD).

On September 22, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the establishment of the Digital Health Center of Excellence (DHCE) within FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH). Bakul Patel will serve as the DHCE’s first director....
