On February 20, the SEC’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) launched a previously-announced initiative directed at investment advisers that have never been examined, focusing on those that have been registered with the SEC for...
Today, in a 7-2 decision with Justice Breyer writing for the majority, the Supreme Court issued a narrow interpretation of when the federal Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act (“SLUSA”) preempts state-law securities class actions....
According to a report by Kim Chipman and Carter Dougherty of Bloomberg, in a Q&A with state attorneys general that followed a speech today in Washington, D.C. to the National Association of Attorneys General, Director Cordray said that issues...
A Chicago lawyer accused of sexually assaulting a woman in her hotel room denied the accusations on Wednesday and offered a reason why he coated his hands with lip balm after his arrest.
On February 18, 2014, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals rejected challenges under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), and the Department of Transportation Act to the Federal Transit...
BB&K's Victor Wolf Examines the Fallout of Apellate Decision on California Law - For more than a decade, contractors and home builders have looked to Senate Bill 800, commonly known as the “Right to Repair Act,” as California’s mandatory process...
The Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) is a program that allows applicants to leverage allowable claims in one participating office to obtain a patent faster and more efficiently for corresponding claims in another participating office. For example,...
According to a February 21, 2014, news release, Facebook has made two updates to its policies regarding the accounts of deceased users. Previously, Facebook allowed one of two options for a deceased user’s account....
The Seventh Circuit’s decision, which is one of the first of its kind and one of the first decisions addressing hair lengths in schools in decades, has garnered media attention and warrants a close look at hair length policies in male athletic...
Most health care providers believe they understand their duty to report child abuse, but... There are a number of overlapping and apparently conflicting public policy objectives and the legal requirements can get confusing. In this article we hope...