The website for the Financial System Inquiry was launched on 30 January 2014. The website contains all the up to date information about the inquiry including the final terms of reference announced by the Treasurer on 20 December 2013....
A global push for enhanced financial transparency means that United States owners of foreign accounts and assets will not be able to remain invisible forever. New rules and enhanced enforcement of existing rules will soon force account holders to...
On January 14, 2014, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 801, the Holding Company Registration Threshold Equalization Act of 2013 (the “Act”), which would increase the number of shareholders that trigger registration and deregistration...
To obtain a felony conviction under the Arms Export Control Act for “willfully” exporting “defense articles” without a license, must the government prove that the defendant knew the items in question were specifically subject to federal regulation?...
This week's edition of the Grand Rapids Business Journal (January 27, 2014) includes an interesting article entitled "Is Trial by Jury Headed for Extinction?" The author interviewed several local attorneys, including Varnum's own Ron DeWaard, the...
Statistics compiled by the National Center on Elder Abuse show that nearly nine out of ten nursing homes fail to provide adequate patient care and that more than a third of nursing homes have violated elder abuse laws. The Federal Nursing Home...
Across the nation, the number of law enforcement officers, emergency technicians and workers being killed during traffic stops responses to accidents, and construction sites is growing.... By: Tate Law Group, LLC
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick released his proposed FY 2015 budget on January 22, 2014. The proposed budget includes a tax provision that is targeted directly at the licensed insurance industry. Currently, income earned by pass-through...
The past legislative session held the prospect for significant reform of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). After the dust settled though, the only proposal able to survive the legislative gauntlet was one proposing relatively modest...
When Henry Stanley posed the famous query, ‘‘Dr. Livingstone, I presume?,’’ he made a deduction based on common sense and probability. His question was amusing not only by virtue of its formality, but also because of the strength of the...