A city ban on gun sales within Chicago is unconstitutional, a federal judge ruled. U.S. District Judge Edmond E. Chang said the city ban, aimed to curb gun violence, is unconstitutional because it goes too far in barring buyers and dealers from engaging in lawful sales.
In United States v. Woods,1 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously for the government on two long-brewing disagreements over penalty jurisdiction in the partnership context and over the breadth of valuation misstatement penalties. In an opinion by...
If you have the unfortunate experience of being stopped for suspected drunken driving in New Jersey, you may be subject to the use of new, controversial, and possibly flawed, investigation technology: the Alcotest. The Alcotest is a breath-testing...
Effective for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2014, employer-sponsored group health plans that are not grandfathered must provide women with access to a list of 16 contraceptive services without cost sharing (i.e., without co-pays or...
In a substantial victory for the life insurance industry on the unclaimed property issue, a West Virginia Circuit Court has held that insurers have no duty to search the Social Security Administration’s Death Master File (“DMF”) under the 1995...
A recent CMS news release reported that Affordable Care Act reforms are leading to lower hospital readmission rates for Medicare beneficiaries. Hospital readmission can be an indicator of poor care coordination or low-quality care. Readmission are...
Beginning in February 2014, the agreements may be used as a sentencing tool for corporate bribery, fraud, and other economic crimes. Under the UK Crime and Courts Act 2013, which received royal assent in April, deferred prosecution agreements...
Chile’s new insurance law came in to force on 1 December 2013. The new rules amend the Chilean Code of Commerce, including rules deriving from the 1865 Civil Code. We have summarised some of the features of the new law....
Earlier this month, in Latinos Unidos De Napa v. City of Napa, the California Court of Appeals upheld the city of Napa’s determination that it did not have to prepare an environmental impact report (EIR) under the California Environmental Quality Act...
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit affirmed the vacatur of final default judgment against the Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran) for alleged trade-dress infringement. The unanimous panel agreed with the district court that...