
A Sixth Circuit panel has ruled that courts rather than arbitrators should determine whether class arbitration is authorized when the arbitration agreement “says nothing about classwide arbitration.” Citing First Options of Chicago v. Kaplan, 514...

It is well established that after a judgment of default, a creditor may serve a writ of garnishment upon the debtor’s employer to collect the unpaid principal and interest of the underlying loan from the employee’s monthly wages. In a recent case out...

Employers of all varieties face lawsuits arising from claimed violations of employment laws. Often such violations are inadvertent and entirely avoidable. Here is a list of ten ways a human resources department may violate the law without realizing...

Despite the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and natural gas fracking boom three years ago, experts expect offshore oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico to produce huge amounts of oil. Big finds, which are known as “elephant fields” by engineers, have the...

Introduction - On 2 October 2012, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published a wide-ranging consultation paper (CP 12/25) on the effectiveness of the listing regime which proposed a number of changes to the Listing Rules, including in...

Phoenix business law firm Jaburg Wilk's family law attorney Jason Castle discusses what a petition for dissolution of marriage is and what it means to serve the petition when going through divorce....
By: Jaburg Wilk

Some high-end restaurants prohibit diners from taking Instagram photos of their food. And, it appears, at least a few patrons might be better off if low-end eateries did, too.

Discussions at the European Parliament level continue to call into question the validity of the EU Safe Harbor Program in the wake of the NSA scandal. Amidst continuing discussions over Safe Harbor, it is possible that the Parliament could pass a...

The UK Bribery Act 2010 (the “Act”) has been described as “the most draconian anti-bribery law in the world” and “the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act on steroids”. It has far-reaching implications for any international business that comes within the...
