"Blackfish," a documentary that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and is now being shown on CNN, is making a big splash in the public and is landing SeaWorld in hot water. The film traces a 39-year history of killer whales in captivity leading up to the 2010 killing of......
On November 5, the Federal Reserve Board announced the annual indexing of the amounts used in determining reserve requirements of depository institutions and deposit reporting panels effective in 2014....
In August, an 82-year-old Passaic woman walked into her backyard to fill her birdfeeders. An approximately 80-lb. pit bull-type dog owned by a neighbor scaled a 6-foot fence dividing the properties and attacked the woman....
It is not uncommon for employers to have executive severance plans that pay substantial severance if an executive loses employment in connection with a change in control. In a recent federal district court decision, a former chief executive officer...
The SEC announced November 12 that it has entered its first DPA (deferred prosecution agreement) with an individual respondent. In a DPA, the SEC rewards substantial assistance to an important investigation by agreeing not to prosecute so long as the...
Starting February 12, 2014, the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) will require EU-counterparties to all derivative contracts, whether traded on or off exchange, to report certain trade information and details to a registered trade...
In today’s regulatory environment, the prospect of a health care provider having to conduct an internal investigation is not a matter of “if,” but “when.” Whether an internal investigation is handled effectively or ineffectively may have significant...
Accused of threatening a witness Sunday, a convicted drug dealer freed on bond pending sentencing showed up at the federal courthouse in Chicago on Tuesday to respond to a prosecution motion asking that he be taken into custody. But after U.S.
Recent seemingly contrary determinations by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have fueled industry speculation regarding whether qualified health plans (QHPs) available on the health insurance exchanges would be considered...
A New York Federal court has certified a class action against Ann Taylor LOFT for violations of the Truth in Lending Act (see Opinion & Order in Kelen v. World Financial Network National Bank, Case No. 12-CIV-5024)....