Open-Rank Postdoctoral Research Scholar/Associate Research Scholar - New Jersey

The Columbia Law School Human Rights Institute (HRI) invites applications for the position of Director, or Legal Fellow, with the Project on Counterterrorism, Armed Conflict, and Human Rights. The Project seeks to address abuses in counterterrorism and armed conflict operations through research and public education programs, promote accountability for abuse, ensure that developing norms reflect human rights principles, and support the empowerment of communities and local advocates affected by abusive practices.
We seek a strategic and creative legal advocate and researcher committed to working with local advocates and communities impacted by abusive practices. You will undertake factual and legal fact-finding and research; provide legal analysis on questions of international law; prepare reports and submissions; build and manage transnational partnerships; engage with local advocates, academics, and officials; design policy recommendations; engage in public-facing engagement and media work; and model strategies for progress. You will engage in innovative collaborative and participatory research and advocacy initiatives aimed at supporting and amplifying the power of local advocates and communities. You will organize and actively participate in expert meetings of government and nongovernment representatives from the U.S. and abroad. You will design and implement strategies to promote human rights.
The work includes pursuing cutting-edge factual, policy, and legal research and engaging with U.S. and foreign governments and local advocates on a variety of issues, including: promoting rights-protecting legal and policy standards for the use of force; military tracking, assessment, and investigation of reports of civilian harm; compensation to victims in armed conflict; pursuing accountability for abuses in the ongoing conflict in Yemen; increasing the participation, power, and influence in U.S. and international policymaking circles of experts from the Global South; training judges in international law; and related issues.
The work involves managing project financials and significantly contributing to donor relations and grant writing and reporting. You will also contribute to the general work of HRI through event planning and student mentorship.
This role reports to the Human Rights Institute’s Faculty Co-Directors and Managing Director. We are seeking to hire either a Director, with a minimum of 5 years of relevant experience to lead the program, or a Legal Fellow, who will be provided mentoring to undertake increasing responsibility for the project. The position will be filled as an Associate Research Scholar or Postdoctoral Research Scholar, depending on experience.
For a more detailed job description, and to apply for this position, please go to:
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