Legal Writing & Research Professional
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Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School is seeking to hire one or more full-time, visiting Legal WritingInstructors to teach Legal Research, Analysis & Writing to first-year law students beginning August 1,2023. This will be a nine-month (August 1, 2023 – May 31, 2024), non-tenure-track appointment. TheLegal Writing Instructor will be responsible for teaching two sections of Legal Research, Analysis &Writing I in the fall semester and two sections of Legal Research, Analysis & Writing II in the springsemester.Ideal Experience and Qualifications• Applicants must have a J.D. degree.• Applicants must also have at least two years of experience in law practice or a judicial clerkship orlaw school teaching or tutoring experience.• The ideal candidate should also have a record of outstanding academic achievement in law school;excellent analytical, research, writing, and interpersonal skills; and teaching or tutoring experience.• Candidates should also demonstrate a commitment to teaching legal writing.The hired Legal Writing Instructor will be required to provide verification of the award of his/her, as documented by the receipt of an official transcript from the Registrar of their degree grantinginstitution to the Office of the Dean. The length of the recruitment and screening process may vary fromposition to position, depending upon a variety of factors.Desired Start Date: 08/01/2023Atlanta's John Marshall Law School values a diverse workforce and inclusive culture. We are committedto equal opportunity without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity orexpression, age, national origin, marital status, citizenship, disability, and veteran status. We encourageapplications from all qualified individuals. Applicants with disabilities who may need accommodations inthe application process should contact Ms. Murray.