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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF CONNECTICUT NOTICE OF REAPPOINTMENT OF MAGISTRATE JUDGE ROBERT A. RICHARDSON The current term of office of United States Magistrate Judge Robert A. Richardson is due to expire January 11, 2024. The United States District Court is establishing a Merit Selection Panel to consider the reappointment of Magistrate Judge Richardson to a new eight-year term. The duties of a magistrate judge include (1) conducting preliminary proceedings in criminal cases; (2) conducting various pretrial and evidentiary proceedings in civil cases on delegation from the District Judges; (3) presiding at the trial of civil cases on delegation from the District Judges with consent of the litigants; and (4) handling misdemeanor cases on delegation from the District Judges. Comments from members of the Bar and public as to whether Magistrate Judge Richardson should be recommended for reappointment would be welcomed by the Court and should be directed to Dinah Milton Kinney, Clerk, 141 Church Street, New Haven, CT 06510 or they may be sent by e-mail to: To be considered, comments must be received by May 12, 2023. By Order of the Court Dinah Milton Kinney, Clerk