The Attorney General of New Jersey, through the Department of Law and Public Safety, Division of Law, hereby announces the issuance of a Request for Qualifications ("RFQ") for Special Counsel for Complex Litigation and Counseling and Insurance Coverage matters. AT A MINIMUM, RESPONDING FIRMS MUST HAVE THE FOLLOWING QUALIFICATIONS:Partner(s) with five or more years of experience in complex litigation (e.g., class actions, mass torts, and antitrust matters) and counseling (e.g., investigations) and insurance coverage matters; and/or associate(s) with two or more years of experience in complex litigation (e.g., class actions, mass torts, and antitrust matters) and counseling (e.g., investigations) and insurance coverage matters. The Attorney General requests that interested firms submit a proposal in accordance with the RFQ. The RFQ is available on the Division of Law's website at All responses to Requests for Qualifications must be submitted in their entirety through the Division of Law's On-line RFQ Portal by July 26, 2023 by 4:00 p.m. A PDF version of the RFQ will be available for downloading beginning on June 13, 2023 to facilitate drafting of a response to the RFQ. The Electronic Application Form will be available on the RFQ Portal for submissions beginning on June 29, 2023. The RFQ Portal will not be operational until the RFQ question and answer period has ended on June 26, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. PAPER SUBMISSIONS ARE NO LONGER ACCEPTED.Questions may be submitted to Michael C. Walters, Deputy Director at the following e-mail address: Please note that the subject line of your e-mail must specifically reference the RFQ as follows: "Special Counsel RFQ for Complex Litigation and Insurance Coverage."