Academic Year Internship The candidate should have completed one or two years of law school.
Assistant Corporation Counsel-Litigation Attorney Candidate will handle complex civil litigation instate and federal co...
Academic Year Internship The intern will gain valuable work experience in the areas of juvenile justice, reform of publ...
Internship The intern will be placed in the Office of Engineering and Technology. Will work with attorneys and engineer...
Legal Intern The candidate will handle status conferences and bench trials in traffic cases, as well as in-custody vide...
Internships Interns will be trained in local, state and federal consumer protection laws, gain valuable conflict resolu...
Director of Federal Advocacy Responsibilities: Organize and oversee Capitol Hill, federal regulatory activities and fie...
Director of Faith Affairs Responsibilities: Create and maintain ally relationships within the faith-based community and...
Business Instructor Adjunct â Continuous The candidate will work Business discipline. Instruct students in the assign...