Assistant Attorney General - Litigation Unit The candidate must be licensed attorney to handle civil actions and procee...
Paralegal - Public Defense Services The candidate performs paraprofessional legal work assisting attorneys in case prep...
Spring Internship Intern will have opportunities to work closely with the legislative and communications teams on a var...
Graduate Law Clerk The one-year clerkship term begins in August. Hiring begins in the fall of the preceding year. A typ...
Graduate Law Clerk The candidate will work closely with attorneys on cases. A typical clerkship involves: Interviewing ...
Assistant District Attorney The candidate should have 2+ years experience handling criminal cases, including experience...
Lawyers The candidate will give advice across a wide range of operational and associated matters, to represent the agen...
Legal Officer Duties : From time to time, required to appear for the Crown in the Court Martial of New Zealand or other...
Academic Year Legal Internship The intern will join Asset Forfeiture Division. The Asset Forfeiture Group is part of th...