
In an opinion last week surprising only for the shortness of the shrift that the Court gave to DOE’s arguments, the DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that DOE may not continue to collect nuclear waste handling/disposal fees from nuclear plant...

On November 20, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released the nearly 1,900-page final RESPA-TILA Integrated Disclosures Rule. The rule will be effective for applications received on or after August 1, 2015. The industry had urged the CFPB to...

A bill introduced on Thursday, November 21 in the Senate by Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and in the House of Representatives by Keith Ellison, D-Minn., is designed to remove an estimated $110 billion in existing tax subsidies for the oil, gas and coal...

On November 21, the Mississippi Supreme Court denied the taxpayer's Motion for Rehearing in Equifax, Inc. and Equifax Credit Information Services, Inc. v. Miss. Dept. of Revenue, letting stand the court's earlier ruling that judicial consideration of...

Yesterday was a good day: no barking from the dog, no smog, and the ABA Journal finally recognized our law blogs as part of their annual "Blawg 100" list. To be exact, two of FindLaw's blogs -- Technologist (a blog targeted at tech tips for lawyers and emerging legal and......

Seemingly, it shouldn't be all that difficult for a motorist to spot a man in a crosswalk wearing a turkey suit. But for drivers who don't stop, the annual "Butterball One" operation in Las Vegas offers a tangible reminder of the city's crosswalk laws—a $191 ticket.

Starting in 2012, a variety of new laws passed that directly affect California businesses. There were new filing requirements for exempt securities offerings involving real estate, changes to the rights of dissenting shareholders in reorganization...

The Patient Protection and the Affordable Health Care Act (“ACA”) is designed to reduce the cost of health care and to improve quality of care. To achieve these goals, the ACA relies, in part, on Accountable Care Organizations (“ACO’s”) in which...

On November 15, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group, Futures Industry Association, Institute for Financial Markets, and National Futures Association released a study on the economic feasibility of adopting an insurance regime for the United States...

Trade secrets can be some of the most valuable assets a company has and it is important put procedures in place to safeguard this information. The Uniform Trade Secrets Act, adhered to by a majority of states, defines trade secrets as information...
