
On September 19, 2012, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed A2647 into law requiring employers in the State of New Jersey with 50 or more employees to post and distribute a notice detailing "the right to be free of gender inequity or bias in...

In this blog, we typically review forum-selection cases in the context of internet-related contracts and software licenses. A recent decision out of the US Supreme Court squarely addressed the issue of forum-selection clauses in a construction...

The CFPB wants financial institutions to post on their websites their marketing agreements with colleges and universities for financial products other than credit cards, such as deposit accounts, prepaid cards and financial aid disbursement accounts....

On December 13, Fed, FDIC, NCUA and OCC issued a statement to clarify safety-and-soundness expectations in order to guide institutions engaged in residential mortgage lending as they assess the implementation of the CFPB’s Ability-to-Repay and...

The North Dakota Supreme Court recently issued its second opinion in Van Sickle v. Hallmark & Associates, a case that has tested the boundaries of a mineral interest holder’s right to royalties when well operators go bankrupt....

On December 7, 2013, the 159 members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) approved a new Agreement on Trade Facilitation (ATF), which is meant to expedite and streamline the customs processing of imports and exports. The ATF is expected to bring...

Three bills recently signed by the governor will bring changes to the Brown Act beginning January 1, 2014. The Brown Act governs the conduct of public agency meetings and imposes a variety of requirements to maintain openness and transparency in...

I sleep with Siri, and I’m not alone. According to a Pew Internet and American Life Project study, 44% of Americans sleep with their cell phone, many of which contain a work email account. Like that critical mass, I want to be connected and to be...

The California General Corporation Law makes numerous references to the “proper county”. For example, Corporations Code Section 304 empowers the superior court of the proper county to remove a director in specified circumstances at the suit of...

In 2011, after the state legislature approved realignment legislation and funds to shift low-level offenders from state prisons to county jails, Orange County (“County”) applied for state funding to expand its jail facility near the City of Irvine...
