
Overview Nieuwe verplichtingen tot verstrekken van informatie over buitenlandse giften en het deponeren van balans en staat van baten/lasten voor maatschappelijke organisaties....
By: Allen & Overy LLP

On 2 December 2020, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) in the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) issued a long-awaited final rule (the Final Rule or Rule).

A Tale of Two Years - While we continue to absorb and understand the worldwide pandemic shockwaves of 2020, trying to encapsulate the vicissitudes of the past year in an annual recap is daunting.

Yesterday, President Biden issued an Executive Order on Supporting the Reopening and Continuing Operation of Schools and Early Childhood Education Providers. Among other things, the executive order instructs the U.S.

À l’approche de la prochaine période de sollicitation de procurations, les émetteurs sont invités à se familiariser avec les lignes directrices canadiennes en matière de vote par procuration respectives d’Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (« ISS ») et de Glass Lewis & Co.

TSCA/FIFRA/TRI - EPA Seeks Comments On Draft Compliance Guide Addressing Surface Coatings Under PFAS SNUR: On December 16, 2020, the U.S.

Seyfarth Synopsis: Employers should identify as soon as possible any current employees and employment candidates who may require H-1B work permit sponsorship before October 1, 2021, given that it is anticipated USCIS will again receive H-1B registrations far in excess of the annual quota, resulti

The Third Circuit Court of Appeals recently affirmed an order unsealing an arbitration award because the award had been filed with the district court as part of confirmation proceedings and the recipient of the award had not demonstrated a specific harm sufficient to overcome the presumption of p

As we reported here last month, on Dec. 15, 2020, a unanimous District of Columbia City Council approved a broad ban on noncompete agreements and “moonlighting” policies that would be among the most restrictive in the nation. On Jan.
