È stato pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale il Decreto-Legge 13 Marzo 2021, n. 30 recante «Misure urgenti per fronteggiare la diffusione del COVID-19 e interventi di sostegno per lavoratori con figli minori in didattica a distanza o in quarantena» (disponibile qui)....
America’s Power recently released a three-minute video to highlight the importance of the nation’s coal fleet and its role in maintaining reliability, resilience, and fuel security...
First generation law firm leaders find themselves confronted by a classic “good news-bad-news reality.” The good news is that they are nearing the end of what for many has been a rewarding career. The bad?
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 permits Shuttered Venue Operators to apply for both Paycheck Protection Program loans and Shuttered Venue Operator Grants.
Not really. Like the COVID-19 vaccines, these “business liability shields” may provide a layer of protection for some employers, but they in no way guarantee immunity from lawsuits.... By: Akerman LLP - HR Defense
A recent survey conducted by the Society of Human Resource Managers revealed that one of the top employment issues businesses face today is how best to train supervisors to effectively manage a remote workforce.
Strategic trends - Pay.UK report and Knowledge Hub Pay.UK has announced the publication of a report exploring the key trends that are shaping the future of retail payments.... By: Hogan Lovells
Better management of supply chain risk is a top priority for corporations these days. That should be no surprise to compliance officers. Supply chains are longer and more complex, with more third parties participating in them than ever before.
AMA report suggests Medicare spending fell 19% YoY during first half of 2020; reduction in nephrology much smaller The report from the American Medical Association (AMA) found Medicare payments to physicians the first six months of 2020 were $9.4 billion lower than during the same time the previo