
DOJ and the SEC each had a great year in FCPA enforcement.  But it is important to acknowledge that the blockbuster case, Goldman Sachs, was the driver of this successful year. ...
By: Michael Volkov

On December 29, 2020, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Wage and Hour Division, published a pair of guidance memos (specifically referred to as Field Assistance Bulletins) that give employers added flexibility to remain in compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The United States District Court (Eastern District of Pennsylvania) (“Court”) addressed in a December 18th Opinion and Order (collectively “Order”) the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (“EPA”) Motion to Dismiss a Complaint filed by the Delaware Riverkeeper Network (“Riverkeeper”).

Seyfarth Synopsis: On December 2, the New York State Department of Labor (“NYDOL” or the “Department”) published proposed regulations for the general New York State Paid Sick Leave (“NYSPSL”) Law that went into effect on September 30, 2020....

The Final Rule of the Stark Law revises the definitions of Fair Market Value and includes a definition of General Market Value to better align with actual practices without unduly restricting innovative relationships between physicians and entities providing designated health services....

Fast Food Franchisee Rescinded Job Offer and Refused to Accommodate Applicant with Disability, Federal Agency Charges - INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.

A new year brings new compliance requirements for non-banks and fintechs conducting business in New York, including Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) companies. On December 23, 2020, New York Gov.

Unless you are an exempt entity, the Corporate Transparency Act will require you to disclose the beneficial owners of your company to the government. You will not be required to do so, however, until Treasury issues regulations providing the compliance requirements......

Effective January 1, 2021, several key components of Georgia’s existing garnishment code were amended. Who Can Be Served?

WLG asked its member firms around the globe to provide some insight on employer and employee rights when it comes to requiring the COVID-19 vaccine to return to work. David Woolf of Faegre Drinker shares his view from the US. ...
