
The 106th Congress ended this day, and along with it so did Craig Leen’s attempt to become the Inspector General of OPM, as the Senate formally returned to President Trump Mr. Leen’s expired nomination (along with hundreds of other expired but unfilled nominations) as its last order of business.

A piece of good news on which to end the year and start the next – the UK Government has published regulations dramatically reducing the scope of DAC6 (the EU Mandatory Disclosure Regime) in the UK as part of the Brexit deal package/post transition arrangements.

2020 has been an incredibly tough year for many businesses, with companies big and small shuttering at a record pace due to COVID-19 restrictions and significant reductions in customer travel and spending.

The U.S. Department of Labor just confirmed that employees who seek medical treatment via telemedicine visits could qualify for leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) into the new year – and perhaps beyond.

Please note: while we address some country-specific updates related to the COVID-19 outbreak, the below contains information regarding global restrictions and closures as they stand today.

RECAP - U.S. District Court Preliminarily Enjoined EO 13950 Ban on “Divisive” D&I Training - OFCCP Canceled Announced Focused Reviews on D&I - OFCCP Has Also Stopped EO 13950 Complaint Investigations......

When commencing an action or proceeding challenging a land use approval, it is critical that the plaintiff/petitioner identify all parties having an interest in both the approval itself and the real property to which it pertains, and to consider which of those parties should be named....

The William (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (NDAA, or the Act), which was enacted into law on New Year’s Day when the US Congress overrode President Trump’s veto of the legislation, establishes a 10-year statute of limitations for the US Securities and Exc
