
Fitch hosted a webinar last week discussing Private Equity Collateralized Fund Obligations (“PE CFOs”). The webinar focused on the performance of PE CFO transactions through the COVID-driven downturn, market and regulatory developments for the sector, and the outlook for 2021. ...

RAIN COMPUTING, INC. v. SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD. Before Lourie, Dyk, and Moore. Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts.

It comes as no surprise that employee claims against employers are on the rise. In the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a drastic decline in newly filed employment-related lawsuits.

The next state in our series exploring non-compete agreements is Alabama. The Yellowhammer State has a fulsome history of litigation (resulting in many reported decisions) involving non-competes and other post-employment competitive restrictions.

The Situation: On 1 February 2021, Parliament passed the Electronic Transactions (Amendment) Bill (Bill No. 1/2021) ("Bill").

A new commercial has hit the airwaves in Israel. It begins with a door swinging open to reveal a beautiful seaside patio with a couple awaiting their dinners as a voiceover says, “How much have we missed going out with friends?”...

Oftentimes bid protests contain the protester’s highly sensitive and confidential company information, the release of which would cause competitive harm to the protester....
By: Dunlap Bennett & Ludwig PLLC

Brexit has raised many questions regarding the future of data protection and digital trade.
