
The financial distress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has left many companies reeling. With no clear end in sight, the bad news is that some businesses will be forced to pursue options for winding down or reorganizing....

Financial Statement Disclosure of Supply Chain and other Trade Payables Programs - Trade payables programs have in recent years increased greatly in popularity among both large and small companies.

The Situation: California's governor recently signed into effect a new law requiring public corporations whose principal executive offices are located in California to have a certain minimum number of individuals from underrepresented communities on their boards of directors.

In Washington: White House communications director Alyssa Farah said Tuesday that the White House still hopes for a coronavirus relief package, probably post-election.

“One who invites another to his home or office takes a risk that the visitor may not be what he seems, and that the visitor may repeat all he hears and observes when he leaves.

Recent action by the U.S. government reminds us that engaging in the cryptocurrency markets continues to present counterparty risk in the context of with whom you are doing business.

More often than not, when you think about your favorite local restaurant, your reliable service provider, or perhaps even your favorite convenience store, those businesses are family-owned.

Quickly approaching November 3, 2020, we are in the final days of what is expected to be a contentious and consequential presidential election in the United States.

At the heart of the fight for disability rights is the belief that equitable access should be granted in all spaces where life exists.
