
When is it wise to scrap your will and start over? As you know, a will reflects a person's wishes for how his or her estate will be handled after death. But because many unforeseen events can happen after a person writes a will, in some situations it may be......

General Motors is recalling more than three-quarters of a million cars because of safety issues linked to six front-seat fatalities. But GM also blamed some of the deaths in part on drivers themselves.

Legal writing is notoriously dull, slow, cumbersome, obtuse, roundabout and pedantic. There are many reasons: (1) unnecessary jargon, (2) overreliance on abstract nouns, (3) overlong sentences, (4) overlong paragraphs, and (5) the failure to differentiate between useful and useless details.

There has been another very significant twist in the somewhat chaotic implementation of the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) as the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has today requested the European Commission to...

On February 12, 2014 the Italian Ministry for Economic Development started a competitive bid for the assignment of the usage rights for three DTT national frequencies....
By: DLA Piper - IP Technology in Italy

As the new year is getting under way, employers should consider placing these developing issues at the top of their to do list: Social Media Policies - Employers should consider reviewing and updating social media policies in light of recent...

Scott & Scott, LLP attorney, Brian Von Hatten, says Softchoice's survey findings should sound alarms for IT administrators and risk managers....
By: Scott & Scott, LLP

When they got an email earlier this month inviting them to a state dinner at the White House in honor of the president of France, two young lawyers practicing at small firms in Huntsville, Ala., thought there must be some mistake. Or perhaps it was a scam?

This Update concerns a measure proposed in Canada’s federal budget for 2014, tabled by the Minister of Finance on February 11, 2014 (Budget 2014), relating to treaty shopping that may affect private equity (PE) funds investing in Canada through...

Die Klägerin macht gegen ihren ehemaligen Arbeitgeber Schadenersatzansprüche wegen Mobbings geltend, die dieser – nicht überraschend – zunächst mit dem Nichteinhalten der vertraglich vereinbarten Ausschlussfrist abwehren will. Ausschlussfristen wie...
