
Scott & Scott, LLP attorney, Brian Von Hatten, says Softchoice's survey findings should sound alarms for IT administrators and risk managers....
By: Scott & Scott, LLP

When they got an email earlier this month inviting them to a state dinner at the White House in honor of the president of France, two young lawyers practicing at small firms in Huntsville, Ala., thought there must be some mistake. Or perhaps it was a scam?

This Update concerns a measure proposed in Canada’s federal budget for 2014, tabled by the Minister of Finance on February 11, 2014 (Budget 2014), relating to treaty shopping that may affect private equity (PE) funds investing in Canada through...

Die Klägerin macht gegen ihren ehemaligen Arbeitgeber Schadenersatzansprüche wegen Mobbings geltend, die dieser – nicht überraschend – zunächst mit dem Nichteinhalten der vertraglich vereinbarten Ausschlussfrist abwehren will. Ausschlussfristen wie...

SafeWork Australia has issued a revised version of the model Work Health and Safety Regulations (Regulations). The Regulations are not yet in force, but will introduce the following key changes if they are adopted in each jurisdiction......

On Wednesday, the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) confirmed that it approved three fracking plans on a platform roughly nine miles off the California shore in the Santa Barbara Channel. The BSEE, which is under the Department of...

It is time for a new look at trademark bullying. In recent months, trademark bullying has captured the attention of the trademark bar and the national media. The Wall Street Journal has written about it, the International Trademark Association has...

District court holds that EMI owns copyright to “Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town” until 2029, finding that grantors’ termination attempts were invalid for failure to record termination with Copyright Office under 1976 Act....

In This Issue: - High Court Rules Steel Workers Need Not be Paid for Changing Clothes - NLRB Proposes Rules to Streamline Unionization Voting Process - Obama Administration Delays Another Health Insurance Mandate - Businesses Have Mixed Reviews...

No doubt about it: the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is serious about taking action against companies that misrepresent their U.S.-EU Safe Harbor certification status. On February 11, 2014, the FTC announced that children’s online...
