
On October 21, Florida-based health insurer AvMed, Inc. (AvMed) settled a data breach class action lawsuit for $3 million, even though no plaintiffs in the class demonstrated that they had suffered identity theft or any other type of fraud as a...

SAC Capital Advisors pleaded guilty last Friday to securities fraud claims brought by the U.S. Attorney in Manhattan. If approved, the deal would require SAC to pay a $1.2 billion penalty, including a $900 million criminal fine and $284 million...

At the most recent Hotel Investment Conference Asia Pacific held in Hong Kong from the 16th to the 18th October, 2013 we conducted a Master Class focussed on the abovementioned topic. In advance of the conference we reached out to over 60 senior...

In This Issue: - COVER STORY: Why Transcanada Is Losing the Pipeline Debate - CRISIS & REPUTATION: BYOD: Employees Mobile Devices Pose a Serious Risk - CORPORATE: Veterans and the Great Information Shortfall - DIGITAL ENGAGEMENT: How YouTube...

Germany’s most populous state has adopted a law, already in effect, allowing so-called group actions in cases involving animal protection. The new act (Gesetz über das Verbandsklagerecht und Mitwirkungsrechte für Tierschutzvereine) will remain in...

We applaud Microsoft Corporation and the numerous parties, including the American Immigration Council and the Chamber of Commerce, who filed amicus briefs last week in a consolidated Board of Alien Labor Certification (BALCA) case involving PERM...

On November 4, the American Wind Energy Conference held a state specific conference in East Lansing to discuss Michigan wind issues. The event, which attracted over 150 participants, ran all day at the Kellogg Center on the Michigan State University...

One way you can make a year-end charitable gift is to write a check to the charity and take a charitable deduction on your income tax return. The problem is that you're using “after tax dollars” to make the gift....

According to the Centers for Disease Control, approximately 30 million U.S. children engage in organized youth sports. Of this number, more than 3.5 million seek medical attention for sports injuries each year....

Nach einer aktuellen Entscheidung des Bundesarbeitsgerichts (BAG) kann im Leistungsplan einer betrieblichen Altersversorgung wirksam eine Höchstaltersgrenze aufgenommen werden (Urteil vom 12. November 2013 – 3 AZR 356/12). Bezüglich dieser...
