
Justice Sonia Sotomayor criticized the judiciary for a lack of diversity and the legal profession for a glass ceiling when responding to questions at a law school appearance on Tuesday.

The United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois recently granted summary judgment in favor of a chiropractor who alleged that Anthem VA, a Virginia-based subsidiary of WellPoint, Inc., violated the Employee Retirement Income...

When the Virginia Supreme Court issued the opinion in Martin v. City of Alexandria on June 7, 2013, it gave some guidance of the current state of the legal standard for a Board of Zoning Appeals to grant a variance. This helped a great deal....

In Cuellar v. Keppel Amfels LLC, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals addressed the relatively novel issue of whether a company has an obligation to reinstate a temporary employee returning from FMLA-covered leave. Jessica Cuellar was assigned by a...

Cellphone technology has certainly contributed to making life more convenient. But everyone knows that texting while driving has created a hazard, since distracted drivers cause serious injuries and deaths for motorists, passengers, bicyclists and...

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), through the Civil Rights Division’s Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC), recently settled a claim alleging that the company in question violated the...

The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) is now officially accepting applications for businesses and investors who hope to receive a portion of the $12 million in tax credits available in Minnesota beginning on January...

Recently, a distraught business owner came to me in desperation. He had identified an area of need in the market and had just the expertise to fill it. An industry insider, he had contacts in place and was ready to hit the ground running and...

(This is the fourth post in a series about the CCF's Annual Report for 2012) In his speech to the General Assembly last month, the Chairman of the Commission for the Control of INTERPOL's Files raised several issues for the GA's consideration,...

On October 18, the Los Angeles Business Council (LABC) and UCLA professor, Paul Habibi, released the 2013 Livable Communities Report: A Call to Action. The report picks up from Habibi’s 2012 analysis, Building Livable Communities: Enhancing Economic...
