On November 14, 2013, the Internal Revenue Service issued final regulations that permit mid-year reductions or suspensions of safe harbor nonelective contributions, and that modify the rules permitting mid-year reductions or suspensions of safe...
Two New Mexico State Police officers are being investigated over a minivan shooting that happened last month. One of the officers opened fire on the minivan carrying a mother and her five children. From engaging in a high speed chase to shooting at a van full of kids, both the......
Federal Agency Alleged Thai Farm Workers Were Subjected to Discrimination on Hawaii Farm - LOS ANGELES -- Del Monte Fresh Produce, one of the country's leading producers of fresh fruit and vegetables, has agreed to settle a discrimination lawsuit...
Since ediscovery began, data has been collected, reviewed and produced individually, disconnected from any other ediscovery projects. Ironically, many ediscovery projects would benefit from leveraging other projects’ work and data collection. But...
Key Considerations - This Q&A outlines the following important factors to be considered by a Russian start-up company wishing to attract U.S. investors and to gain access to U.S. customers: (i) benefits of forming a company in the United States,...
Nach den Beschlüssen zu den Änderungen bei Teil- und Elternzeit, hat die “Arbeitsgruppe Arbeit und Soziales” in den Koaltionsverhandlungen wieder arbeitsrechtlich Relevantes beschlossen. Gegenstand war diesmal die umstrittene Mindestlohnthematik und...
One of the most significant sources of litigation risks for niche businesses occurs when the statutory laws governing their conduct fail to reflect the real-world context of the industries in which they operate. Because even well-intentioned laws are...
Following a May 2012 directive from the White House Office of Management and Budget, federal agencies are now prohibited from increasing their space while concurrently reducing the amount of space under lease. As a cost-saving measure, lawmakers are...
Last month, the New York State Department of Labor (DOL) rather quietly effected legislation that had previously been signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo on March 29, 2013, reforming New York unemployment insurance law effective October 1, 2013....
On November 12, NACHA, which manages the development, administration, and governance of the ACH network, released two proposed rules that it describes as complementary approaches to improving ACH Network quality by reducing the incidence of...