
An attorney accused of helping a client who was once a successful real estate developer conceal a substantial sum of money in a law firm trust account has been convicted in federal court in Arkansas following weeks of trial. K.

On November 12, 2013, the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals released its decision in Hersh v. E-T Enterprises, Ltd., et al., No. 12-0106. This landmark decision overturns more than 100 years of West Virginia precedent by holding that the "open...

Princeton University plans to make a non-FDA-approved meningitis vaccine available to its students in December, prompting some to worry about the risks.

In a recent speech, CFPB Director Richard Cordray gave his views that the law specifies that the CFPB generally does not have jurisdiction over auto dealers and their practices, but the CFPB does have jurisdiction over the largest auto lenders and...

In a settlement agreement, attorneys for Pilot Flying-J and plaintiff trucking companies have agreed to settle all claims for about $35 million. In Little Rock, U.S. District Judge James M. Moody approved a settlement in a class-action lawsuit...

On October 11, a SWAT team call-out resulted from a fight between a 40-year-old woman and her live-in boyfriend. When the boyfriend wanted to get back into the house, the woman threatened him with a gun....

It is indisputable that reigning in Medicaid costs is one of this administration’s top priorities. And, I agree, reigning in Medicaid costs should be a top priority. In fiscal year 2011, it is estimated that Medicaid comprised 23.6 percent of total...

Whether because of poor judgment, lack of guidance or simple inexperience, many people make mistakes in their youth that cause them embarrassment and regret for the rest of their lives. For some, these mistakes cross the line from mere recklessness...

Your credit score can be the most influential factor to get you through a Lender’s door when making a decision to extend credit, and it certainly will determine the price a borrower will have to pay. Understanding what impacts your score and how to...

On November 14, 2013, the Obama Administration announced a transitional policy, whereby insurers may, but are not required to, renew existing health plans in the individual and small-group markets in 2014, even if those plans do not meet the market...
