
Recently, the Delaware Court of Chancery in Pfeiffer v. Leedle declined to dismiss a shareholder derivative action against a board for breach of fiduciary duty, where the directors allegedly approved stock options exceeding the maximum number of...

As a result of industry consolidation over the years, employers can find themselves responsible for pension plans of companies long out of existence. A recent federal district court decision imposed a penalty of $4,470 on a plan administrator who...

Have you been arrested for a drug crime or other offense in Ohio? The criminal justice system is complex, and making the wrong move might cost you your freedom....
By: Law Offices of Gregory S. Robey

Designed right, an ethics and compliance program is not just about limiting risk. You’re setting your sights too low. In fact with that narrow mindset, you’re likely setting your organization up for failure, or at least missing the opportunity to...

On November 5, 2013, the amendments to the laws and regulations related to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law of Japan (the “FIEL”) went into effect, in which regulations concerning short selling in the Japanese marketplace (“Short Selling”)...

An industry task force, the Equity Formation Task Force, which might well be seen as a successor to the IPO Task Force, recently presented a report to the U.S. Treasury Department recommending a few additional measures to facilitate capital...

While appraisal is a method of dispute resolution commonly provided for in insurance contracts, many jurisdictions lack a well-developed body of case law addressing questions relating to the scope of appraisal, the role of party appraisers and...

The U.S. Supreme Court considered on Wednesday whether police had the right to search a home after arresting a robbery suspect and then getting consent from his live-in girlfriend.

In October 2013, CMS issued a Fact Sheet outlining its policy regarding beneficiaries who are incarcerated or in custody. Pursuant to 42 C.F.R. §§ 411.4, 411.6 and 411.8, where a beneficiary is in custody on the date items or services are provided,...

When a blogger revealed that Facebook tracked users even after they had logged off from Facebook’s service, the company thanked him and promised an immediate fix. But plaintiffs’ attorneys socked the company with a class action seeking $15 billion in...
