European Commission Work Programme 2014 - The European Commission has published its Work Programme for 2014, outlining the legislative and policy initiatives that it will focus on next year.... By: DLA Piper
Updates on Environmental, Administrative and Regulatory Law - On November 6, 2013 the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gave notice in the Federal Register of a final rule in which certain environmental penalty amounts are being...
Das Landesarbeitsgericht Niedersachsen hat mit Urteil vom 05.11.2013 eine Grundsatzentscheidung zum Befristungsrecht getroffen. Darin vertritt das Gericht eine von der Rechtsprechung des Bundesarbeitsgerichts abweichende Rechtsansicht....
Our previews of the latest additions to the Illinois Supreme Court’s civil docket continue this morning with Nelson v. The Office of the Kendall County State’s Attorney, a case from the Second District Appellate Court. Nelson is the second case on...
Background - As we reported earlier this week, Rep. Jim McDermott, the ranking Democrat on the Ways and Means Health Subcommittee in the House of Representatives, received a response to his August 6 letter to Secretary of Health and Human...
The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing received 19,839 employment discrimination complaints in 2012. According to federal and California law, every employment discrimination action is either a case of disparate treatment or...
Going through a divorce can be a difficult time. However, the best way you can minimize the impact of divorce is to prepare in advance.... By: Smith & Doran, P.C.
It is a crime to leave the scene of an accident. A driver is required to stop when a wreck occurs to determine if anyone is injured and to exchange identification and insurance information. Unfortunately, hit and run accidents happen all too often in...
What should you do if regulators knock on the door to your healthcare facility to execute a search warrant or administrative warrant? Healthcare executives need to understand that law enforcement is increasingly relying on raids because they have...
Ohio has assault laws that cover almost every conceivable scenario where one person hurts or tries to hurt another. Although titled “assault”, Ohio’s laws prohibit not only simple assault and battery in their traditional sense, but expand on the...