It’s a problem that has vexed website owners since the days of the dot-com boom – how to make certain user-generated content available to users or subscribers, but also prevent competitors and other unauthorized parties from scraping, linking to or...
On November 1, the Fed issued supervisory scenarios to be used for the 2014 capital planning and stress testing program, which includes the Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review of 30 bank holding companies with $50 billion or more of total...
A two-stage meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in individuals of European ancestry identified 11 new loci associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The multidisciplinary study, recently reported in Nature Genetics, (“Meta-analysis of...
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) usually forces employers who are subject to Title VII to play defense. The State of Texas, however, has upended that approach. On November 4, 2013, Texas filed a federal lawsuit that seeks to...
Latham & Watkins Partner Catherine Ozdogan talks about structuring an Master Limited Partnership (MLP) financing. Considerations for MLP Financing include: - Understanding of what's going on in the marketplace - Preserve distribution of free cash...
In This Issue: Implementation of the Affordable Care Act; Other HHS and Federal Regulatory Initiatives; Other Congressional and State Initiatives; Other Health Care News; and Hearings and Mark-Ups Scheduled. Excerpt from Implementation of the...
Significant oil and gas exploration and development has occurred and continues to occur in South Texas. Whenever an injury, death, or environmental damage results from these operations, a defendant energy company have often faced trial in an...
Wage and hour lawsuits continue to rise and it is clear that they are here to stay. See, e.g., Andrew Ramonas, US Chamber Warns: Wage-and-Hour Litigation on the Rise, Corporate Counsel (October 23, 2013) (noting that settlements of wage and hour...
Under SEC Rule 205-3 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (the “Advisers Act”), an SEC registered investment adviser is permitted to enter into an engagement that includes an incentive compensation component, provided that the client is a...
The IRS has issued IRS Notice 2013-71, allowing limited carry-over of amounts in employees’ flex plan accounts to the following plan year. Under the guidance employers may permit participants to carry over up to $500 of unused amounts in their health...