
On Wednesday, February 24, 2021, President Biden signed an Executive Order (Order) directing a series of reviews of global supply chains - the latest government effort to create more resilient and secure supply chains for critical materials and goods.

Here at the Medicaid and the Law Blog, we’ve spent the past couple of days going through the American Rescue Plan Act, legislation introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives last Friday that is the latest attempt by Congress to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Employee benefit plans are subject to numerous laws the restrict, or at least limit, discrimination within the plans.

With a new U.S. administration, an economic rebound in sight and historically low interest rates that are unlikely to budge in the near-term, equity markets have been on a tear since late 2020.

Presented below is our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of February 15, 2021 – February 19, 2021. Additionally, for continuing updates on the tax impact of COVID-19, please visit our resource page......

Governor Charlie Baker has announced that Massachusetts would advance to Step 2 of Phase III of the state’s reopening plan on March 1, 2021, relaxing restrictions on most indoor gatherings. The City of Boston will move to Phase III, Step 2 as well, with some exceptions.

Paraquat is a highly dangerous product still manufactured and sold in the United States. Manufacturers have for some time known the direct connection between paraquat and Parkinson’s Disease, but continue to sell it.

In March, the Southern California Association of Governments (“SCAG”) will adopt final Regional Housing Needs Assessment (“RHNA”) allocations for cities and counties within the SCAG region.

February 25, 2021 – The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) initial registration period for the fiscal year (FY) 2022 H-1B cap is quickly approaching. The registration period will open at 12 p.m. EST on March 9, 2021, and run through 12 p.m. EST on March 25, 2021....
